How to Get Asurion Free Phone | Brand New Phone

How to Get a Free Phone from Asurion

I just found out something cool – Asurion is giving away free phones! My buddy got his hands on one, and I was so curious about it.

So, I went ahead and asked him all about it. He spilled the beans on how to snag an Asurion Free Phone. And guess what? I’m here to spill those beans to you too!

In this article, I’m going to walk you through the simple steps to score an Asurion Free Phone.

How to Get a Free Phone From Asurion?

If you’re eyeing an Asurion Free Phone, here’s a step-by-step guide to make it happen:

Step 1: Check Your Asurion Protection Plan

First things first, find out if you’re already covered by an Asurion Protection Plan. You can do this by reaching out to Asurion’s customer service or taking a peek at your wireless carrier account. This is like checking if you have a safety net in place for your phone.

Step 2: File Your Claim 

Did you get that protection plan? Awesome! Now, get in touch with Asurion’s customer service or hop onto their website. Tell them what’s up with your phone – spill the beans about the damage or issue you’re facing. The more details, the better they can help.

Step 3: Dip Into the Deductible

Once you’ve filed your claim, there might be a deductible waiting for you to chip in. This is like a small contribution you make towards getting your replacement phone. The amount might vary based on the type of phone you have and how banged up it is.

Step 4: Wait and Get Ready 

Now, it’s Asurion’s turn. They’ll take some time to process your claim. They’re like phone doctors, diagnosing your case. Based on your plan and what’s available, they’ll whip up a replacement phone potion for you. This new phone could be a fresh-out-the-box one or a spruced-up, good-as-new model.

Step 5: Activate Your Phone

Once your replacement phone is in your hands, it’s not quite ready to rock yet. You need to give it some life by activating it. Reach out to your carrier (the folks who make sure your phone can actually make calls and stuff) or just follow the instructions that come with the replacement phone.

Who Can Get a Replacement Phone from Asurion? 

To score a free phone from Asurion, here’s what you need:

  • You might need to pitch in a deductible or fee as per your plan. 
  • File a claim with Asurion and share all the needed info and documents. 
  • Hand over your damaged or lost phone to Asurion. 
  • Make sure your phone is covered by an active Asurion protection plan. 
  • The damage or loss should fall under your plan’s coverage.

Documents Needed to Get Asurion Free Phone 

Documents Needed to Get Asurion Free Phone 

To snag your Asurion free phone, these docs are key:

  • A detailed report on the damage or loss.
  • Any official police or incident report.
  • Your ID and contact info.
  • Receipt or bill to prove device ownership.
  • Docs with device make, model, and serial number.

Qualification to Get Asurion Free Phone

Here’s what you need to meet to score a fresh phone from Asurion:

  • Phone Issues: Your phone should be lost, stolen, damaged by accident, or facing mechanical problems.
  • Deductible: Sometimes, there might be a fee before you grab your new phone.
  • Active Insurance: Your device should be covered by an active insurance plan that requires a replacement.
  • Matching Plan: The replacement phone must match up with your insurance plan’s requirements.
  • Claim Approval: Asurion needs to give the nod before handing over the new phone.
  • Return the Old: You might need to send back the old, busted device to get the new one.
  • Play by Rules: Stick to the terms and conditions for the replacement phone.

When Asurion Gives Away Free Phones? 

Asurion hands out free phones for these reasons:

  • Phone Glitches: If a phone acts up due to defects, and you’ve got Asurion’s protection, you might score a free replacement.
  • Lost or Swiped: If your phone goes missing or gets swiped, Asurion might replace it for free if you’re protected.
  • Broken: If your phone takes a tumble and breaks by accident, Asurion could hook you up with a freebie.
  • Time to Upgrade: Sometimes, if you’re ready to level up your plan, Asurion might throw in a free phone.


In a nutshell, Asurion’s offer of free phones is like a safety net for unexpected phone troubles. Whether your phone calls it quits, goes on an adventure without you, or takes a tumble, Asurion’s got your back. Just remember, having an active protection plan and meeting their criteria can lead you to a hassle-free replacement. So, keep that peace of mind knowing that Asurion’s here to keep you connected.


Can I choose the replacement phone model? 

Generally, Asurion aims to provide a phone similar to your original model. However, specific phone models might depend on availability and compatibility with your insurance plan.

What if I don’t have a receipt for my damaged phone? 

While a receipt or bill of sale can help validate ownership, Asurion might have alternative ways to verify your device’s ownership, so it’s still worth reaching out to them.

Is there a limit to how many times I can get a free replacement phone? 

There might be limitations on how often you can claim a replacement phone within a certain time frame. Check with Asurion or your insurance plan for the specific terms.

Can I upgrade to a better phone when I get a replacement? 

Upgrading to a different model or brand might be possible, but it could come with additional costs. Asurion’s customer service can guide you through your options.

Do I need to return accessories along with my damaged phone? 

Typically, you’re only required to return the damaged phone itself. However, it’s best to clarify this with Asurion when filing your claim.

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